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The ACLU released a report on the disproportionate arrests for marijuana. Black people are three times more likely to be arrested than other races. The rate is higher in states with stricter drug laws.

Disproportionate Arrests

Disproportionate marijuana arrests are because of the war on drugs. The policies target people of color. Police look for someone they think is causing trouble. Most of the arrests are for possession. Overall, white people and people of color use marijuana at similar rates.

There have been many marijuana reform movements. The rate is the same as it was in 2010.

However, marijuana arrests have gotten worse in 31 states. Colorado has lowest rate. It was the first state to make marijuana legal. The state has an arrest rate of 1.5. In contrast, Montana and Kentucky have the highest rates. Black people are seven times more likely to be arrested in those states. Oddly, in legal states such as Maine and Vermont, the rate increased.

Decriminalized states have mixed results. The states saw a decrease in disproportionate marijuana arrests. However, the rates were still higher than legal states.

marijuana reform

The War on Drugs

Although, a person can still be arrested in a legal state. There are limits on how much someone can buy. Marijuana arrests make up for 43 percent of all drug arrests. That is more arrests than any other drug.

Making marijuana legal will be the first step to fix the disproportionate marijuana arrests. It has always been a topic of debate. But, Two out of three Americans want to make marijuana legal. States that have made marijuana legal have a lower rate of arrests. Although, it is not that way across the board. If marijuana were legal, it would help fix the damage done by the war on drugs.

You can find the original report here.

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Octavius Williams

About Octavius Williams

I am a graduate from the University of North Texas with a B.A. in Print and Digital Journalism. I'm originally from Bryan, TX, but moved to Denton, TX for school. Work I have done has been published on Society19 and Popdust.

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