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Medical marijuana is now legal in Mississippi. About two-thirds of voters in Mississippi chose Initiative 65, the measure that allows a medical marijuana program in Mississippi. Mississippi is one of the 5 states that legalized some sort of marijuana initiative within the recent November 2020 election. On top of that, Mississippi is the fourth southern state to legalize a medical marijuana program. Now, 33 states have legalized medical marijuana programs.

Additionally, the medical marijuana program in Mississippi is projected to make $6 million a year.

As more and more states legalize marijuana programs, make sure to contact our cannabis consultants at Quantum 9 for more information about starting a marijuana business within your state.

legal medical marijuana in MississippiLegal Medical Marijuana in Mississippi

Now, individuals with qualifying medical conditions are able to purchase medical marijuana as long as they have a medical marijuana card.

The Health Department has to adopt rules and regulations by July 1, 2021. The medical marijuana program begins in August 2021 and they will begin issuing medical marijuana cards and treatment center licenses by August 15th, 2021. With that, you have to have a qualifying condition to obtain a medical marijuana card in Mississippi. Some of these conditions include:

  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • PTSD
  • Chronic Pain
  • Chron’s Disease
  • Autism
  • Glaucoma

Even if your condition is not within the list, make sure to talk to your doctor as other conditions can still qualify you as a patient.

How Much Marijuana can you Have?

This proposal lets people vape, smoke, and use edible products. Some medical marijuana programs in the United States only allow the use of edibles, so this program is actually quite versatile. Lastly, one can be prescribed up to 2.5 ounces of marijuana with a 2-week time frame.

Also, you still can not smoke marijuana on public property. In addition, if you do not follow this rule you can receive a fine of up to $100. Also, you can not operate a vehicle while using marijuana in Mississippi.

Where can you Buy Legal Medical Marijuana?

To begin with, The Health Department regulates and licenses treatment centers. With that, these centers are exempt from criminal sanctions for cultivating, transporting, and processing medical marijuana.

These treatment centers can not be located near schools, churches, and child care centers. With that, zoning can not be more restrictive than it is on retail pharmacies.

How to Open a Medical Marijuana Business in Mississippi

In order to open a medical marijuana business in Mississippi, you have to have a license from the Mississippi Department of Health. This can allow you to cultivate, process, test/sell medical marijuana. These medical marijuana businesses include:

  • Cultivation facilities
  • Testing facilities
  • Medical marijuana treatment centers

So, make sure to contact a cannabis consultant in Mississippi for more information about how you can open a business within this market.

People of Mississippi still Against Marijuana

With that, not everyone is ecstatic about medical marijuana legalization within Mississippi. For example, Madison Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler created an emergency petition that states Initiative 65 was improperly put on the ballot this November.

All in all, the majority of the people within Mississippi want a medical marijuana program and we are excited to see the revenue this market provides for the state.

Finally, if you want to contact a cannabis consultant about marijuana business inquiries click here.

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Sarah Whitmore

About Sarah Whitmore

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